
Exjudicata banner icon

Want enhanced visibility for a particular position?

Checkout the add-ons on the next page, when filling out your job description info.

1 job posting

Ensure your company's role is listed for ex judicata job seekers to find for 30 days. This purchase will renew monthly at the same rate until canceled.

1 x 30 day job post

Post Job 150.00

3 job postings

Ensure 3 of your company's roles are listed for ex judicata job seekers to find for 30 days. This purchase will renew monthly at the same rate until canceled.

For job packages consisting of over 3 jobs, additional add-on pricing, or bulk discounts please contact Emily Frye ([email protected]).

3 x 30 day job posts

Job post credits never expire

Purchase 395.00
Create Your Own Job Board WithJob Board Software by Job Board Fire